creative teachers

Lauren Rudolph

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When I think back to my earliest memories, I was always creating. When I was a young child, any free moment I had was spent drawing faces. These faces I created expressed something within me, they were what I know now as connection.

I have always been compelled to express myself through art and am aware that living a creative life is a beacon that inspires me to grow and evolve on this journey. When I create, I feel that I am channeling energy and being as present and in the moment as I possibly can be. This helps me to connect to myself.

I am so deeply inspired by music. Artists that I greatly admire have written and played songs that reflect feelings and thoughts within me and bring me into that connected space as well. In a dream world I would be a singer in a band as well as a visual artist. Actually, there are so many things I would love to create. Another early experience I had was feeling supported and seen by teachers. When I was in the presence of that reflection and encouragement I got the sense that I too wanted to teach someday.

So here I am, creating art, teaching and living a life that pushes me daily to rise and meet this beautiful purpose. I believe it is our responsibility to bring ourselves into our life experience with energy, integrity, honor and gratitude. We each have gifts that call to be seen. Our path in life is to uncover and use those gifts.

Thank you for being here! I'm so grateful that we have connected



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