creative teachers

Meg Vellojos McCoy

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I’m a total Mainer, hyper creative interdisciplinary artist, and nerd for community and gathering in circles.

I care about making art, art process, voice work and spiritual companionship accessible to all people. Without creative problem solving skills, willingness to mess around and access to the parts of ourselves that speak in still, small voices, we personally and collectively lose out.

My private practice has developed through: earning my BFA through Maine College Of Art, chaplaincy training through the Chaplaincy Institute Of Maine, years of working with and learning from teachers and elders, seeing clients one-on-one, facilitating groups, tending community, developing and teaching Contemplative Art Approach, accessing the inner and outer expression of the Voice and gathering wisdom circles (where everyone is a teacher of experience.)

I work with all age groups, and folks from many different walks. Nearly all offerings are sliding scale and/or affordable.

Currently based in the Pacific Northwest, and loving it.



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