creative teachers

Jenny Grant

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I am a Mixed Media Artist living in Stockholm, Sweden, on a mission to inspire people to be brave, to use their creativity and to do more of what they love.

I love painting big but I am also addicted to Art Journaling. I paint in many layers and create my art based on an interesting process where my imagery emerges while painting. I work with mixed media – acrylic paint, ink, oil pastels, color pencils, fabrics, paper, photos… anything that comes my way.

My work is very rich with many layers that add depth and texture to my work.  There are no limits, nothing is wrong and there are no mistakes. The process is the fun! My paintings evolve as I paint and I have no plan and no goal. It is my inner voice, my inner guide or wizard that guides me. With layers on layer I create depth, texture and details. Being creative allows me to explore myself, to let go and it helps me to be here and now.

When I start a blank canvas I very seldom have a picture in my mind. I start with adding paper collage; I write words and poetry that pop into my mind, onto the canvas. These layers and words inspire me through the process. I add each layer based on my feeling at that moment. I am big advocate of Jackson Browns sayings “Don’t wait for inspiration – it will find you”.

My art journals I create out of all the left over from my big paintings. Paint and scrap paper is used to create junk books that I carry with me wherever I go. I use them as my notebooks and I keep one in my bag at all times. I paint and doodle in them as soon as I have nothing else to do; on the plane, in the restaurant and at home when the kids do their homework. I love my art journals, they are part of my soul.

People often find my art very peaceful even though it is colorful and full of energy. I believe that many of us have lost the connection with our spiritual self. Many of us search for answers. We want to expand and explore; love, creativity and our spirituality. But we fail. We seem to go in circles and not find the answers. I believe we should stop searching and start listening. Listen to our inner voice, our inner guide. If we do we will reach further and peace will develop within ourselves… and who knows, it might even spread through the world;-)

I do both in-person workshops and on-line workshops, both painting on canvas and creating art journals. I have regular evening classes in my studio in the northern part of Stockholm and I am running weekend workshops in different places around the world. In 2018, I will do my second US-tour with my Find-your-Flow workshop and do several workshops throughout Europe.

In my studio I have weekly workshops for kids and adults and I do team building workshops for companies, hen-nights and fun workshops for families.

I believe that we all have a well of creativity and inspiration locked within us. We just need to find a key to open it and encourage the flow to stream without obstacles. With my art and my workshops, I am exploring creativity, spirituality and life in general. I hope you will find it interesting and that my art talks to you.




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