Journal Lesson
Explore grungy art journaling, where process over product reigns and creativity flows freely.
I love to play in my grungy art journal with no purpose more than just relaxing, finding my flow and trying new things. I love to add and take away and slowly feel what the piece would like to be and the story that the piece wants to tell me. I explore and create totally free from any requirements to perform or to achieve a result. My process is unstructured, tactile and messy and when I find my flow it is magical.
For me, art is all about the process of creating and the time I spend being creative. If I like the result, which is not always the case, it is a bonus. When I started to treat the time I was creating this way, magic started to happen.
In this class I want to show you what happens when I turn off the noise in my head and just listen to the whispers in my heart. This class is all about letting go and feel what to do next. My work expands and grows as we go! I hope I can encourage you to listen, to use your senses and to follow your intuition, to enjoy the process and not to worry about or be too attached to the result. The path is the goal.
I have seen this process create magic and I’m so excited to see what you can do with it! I am trying to share the energy and flow of this creative process and I hope it will inspire you to find your own flow and feel the grunge.