A Slice of Time

Journal Lesson

Learn to capture fleeting moments through art in this lesson, embracing imperfection and intuitive creation with limited supplies.

Explore the art of capturing the present moment in our unique lesson, "Capturing Time." This class encourages you to set aside technology and focus on the simplicity and beauty of the natural world and personal connections. You'll join me as I recount a special day spent with my daughter, using minimal art supplies to capture our time together in a stream-side setting. The goal is to sketch and create abstractly, embracing imperfection and the joy of the moment. We'll focus on the emotional and sensory experiences of such moments, using them as inspiration for our artwork. This class is perfect for anyone looking to explore the expressive potential of art to capture fleeting memories and to deepen their artistic voice through mindful observation and creativity.

  • Acrylic paint - limited palette. I’m using blues and greens with an accent of Burnt Sienna
  • Pastels to work within your palette
  • Colored Pencils to work within your palette
  • Mechanical Pencils
  • Mark Making tools
  • Palette Knife
  • Tracing paper or wax paper
  • Brayer
  • Final Fixative
  • Cutting Matte and cutter
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