Creatures With Character

Explore the playful and comical energy of animals in art, focusing not on perfection but on capturing character through three creative projects.

I'm delighted to welcome you to ‘Creatures with Character’.

I have a deep love of animals and I'm excited to have come alive on our canvas! At present, we have a cat -Timy. He is quite something! SO spoiled! I'm not sure how he manages it, but I seem to be at his service all the time! (Cats are quite good at this aren't they?)

So let me tell you a little bit about this class - most importantly, this is NOT about creating the perfect animal portrait but rather, about loosening up and capturing the beautiful, playful and often comical energy of our dear fur friends!

There will be three projects... two main lessons and a bonus lesson. Feel free to do them in sequence or choose the one that calls to you! You can enjoy these in any order!

Okay, so lets begin!

  • Canson Bristol paper smooth surface 100 Pound white ( Important to use this type of paper)
  • Windsor Newton black ink (worked best for me)
  • Any acrylic paint
  • Canvas (any size)
  • Oil pastels (optional) I just like to add them here and there
  • Watercolors (optional, you can also do the outdoor sketching and painting with whatever medium you have)
  • Watercolor brushes for outdoors (optional, but what I used)
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