Expressive Alchemy

Journal Lesson

Discover the magical process of creative alchemy, where your unique energy transforms and expresses through art.

Creative alchemy, transformation and magic oh my! I feel each time we spend using our creativity (in any form) we are choosing to bring originality, our unique imprint/energy into our world. Bringing innate creative alchemy and transformation from the inside out, which sparks the magic from within us all. It’s as if we touch that sacred space within us that longs to be released and we get a sense of why we were created to begin with.

I think the word **alchemy** holds magical energy and a benevolent spiritual vibration to it. It is mysterious in its own right, which I absolutely love. The wonderment and awe through our creative journey, never a dull moment where possibilities are infinite.

This theme feels like a loving, creative, healing energy moving through us yearning to expand and transform us all. In fact it’s so huge it feels it’ll take me a lifetime(s) to explore the true nature of my own creative alchemy and transformation.

I hope you enjoy!

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