Embrace the joy of painting by setting aside fears and creating art that truly matters to you.
During these past few years, I’ve realized that in order to paint what really matters to me, I had to let go of my fear. It’s natural to want to know how our painting is going to turn out, or if people will like it or what others will think. All this is very common and normal. I face the same fears. We all do at some point.
But we are going to put that aside for a moment and ask ourselves some questions.
“What do I want to paint?” What do I wish to express?” “What can I create for the pure joy of just creating?”
Let’s lay aside any fears or pre-conceived ideas about what we ‘should’ paint, or what kind of art we think others would ‘want’ or ‘expect’ to see. Let’s just do this for ourselves, and for the joy it brings, shall we?
*essentials for this class