The Nature of Clay

Join us to transform beach treasures with paper clay, inspired by nature's beauty.

For the past few years, I have been collecting the most beautiful organic materials from my beach... heart-shaped rocks, the most beautiful driftwood, and seashells (simple oyster shells, delicate sand dollar shells and even broken and eroded ones alike). All of which whisper sweet stories of how to breathe new life into each found material when combined with paper clay.

I have been utterly captivated by the alchemy of this creative play and I’ve been dying to share my creative process with you.  

It is so natural and organic and a perfect pairing of mediums:  nature and clay.

I hope you will join us on this journey as we create with Mother Nature as our muse and clay as our medium.

As always, I like to keep our supplies list limited.

I also want to encourage you to use what you can find around you, in your home, what you can find on your daily walks in the forest or on the beach and together with that, find what’s inside of us too.

  • PaperClay / Airdrying clay
  • Claytools
  • Acrylic Paints - of your choice
  • Organic matter - shells / pebbles / organic matter
  • Other items that could come in handy like small metal loops, leather thong for pendant
  • Stamps - optional and always fun
  • Ephemera - old papers and napkins
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