Figurative & Portrait
A beautiful list
A lion within
journal lesson
a portrait in oils
A Rococo Muse
Journal lesson
A Rococo Muse
Journal lesson
a storytelling collage
Journal lesson
a veil of wax
among the flowers
journal lesson
archetype art journaling
beauty in stillness
journal lesson
the beauty within
between shadow & light
body of water
capturing beauty
crowned in flowers
the dancer
elysian fields
Journal lesson
express your voice
expressive alchemy
Journal lesson
The Eyes of the Soul
The Eyes of the Soul
fabric of time
faces of flow
the feathered crown
figure flow
Journal lesson
the gifts of imperfection
Journal lesson
the gilded brush
girl in the moon
Journal lesson
held captive
Indigo & Gold
Journal lesson
Indigo & Gold
Journal lesson
ink & watercolor
inner fire
Journal lesson
into the blue
into the myst
into the night
kindred heart
know your values
KNow Your values
ladies of literature
ladies with character
lady in emerald
Journal lesson
lady in white
Journal lesson
layers of shadow & light
le visage
listening to the stars
love in a time of no water
journal lesson
lovely dancer
Mixed Media Master Study
journal lesson
Mixed Media Master Study
journal lesson
mixed media morisot
journal lesson
mixed metaphor
journal lesson
mobile art magic
monoprint monologues
montaged moments
moon over paris
the mystical isle of avalon
The painted camellia
painting outside the lines
painting with threads
panpastel portrait
journal lesson
pastel play
pencil to paper
portrait painting
journal lesson
portraits in monochrome
practice not performance
primary portrait
journal lesson
realm of the fae
journal lesson
realm of the fae
journal lesson
sacred landscape
shades of white
soul connection collage
journal lesson
the storyteller's art
surrendering To Water
surrendering To Water
tender togetherness
time traveler
tiny bags of love
toned paper portrait
journal lesson
triple goddess integration
journal lesson
upon a star
Journal lesson
upon a star
Journal lesson
upon healing wings
wandering through watercolor
watercolor muse
the water faery
journal lesson
wish upon a star
journal lesson
whispers of nature
whimsical portraits & dreamy landscapes
you deserve your love
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creative pathways
Mixed Media
Explore various materials and mediums to create unique and expressive art.
A Beautiful List
A Slice of Time
Journal Lesson
Abstract By Design
Archetype Art Journaling
Art Passports To Morocco
Art Passports To Scotland
Artistic Alchemy
Capturing Beauty
Catching The Light
Creatures With Character
Duality of Self
Journal Lesson
Elysian Fields
Journal Lesson
Encaustic Treasures
Journal Lesson
Enjoy Every Moment
Journal Lesson
Ethereal Encaustics
Express Your Voice
Fabric of Time
Faces of Flow
Feather And Wax Landscape
Feel The Grunge
Journal Lesson
Finding Solace In Solitude
Journal Lesson
Flight and Feather
Fluid Art Flowers
Forever is but a Moment
Happy Town
Harmony In Blue
Held Captive
Illuminated Play
Inner Fire
Journal Lesson
Inspired By Nature
Inspired Collage
Into The Blue
Into The Light
Into The Myst
Invitation To Rest
Journal Lesson
Kindred Heart
Ladies With Character
Land Sea and Sky
Lands Across Time
Le Visage
Let Your Heart Speak
Letter To Words
Lovely Dancer
Mixed Media Morisot
Journal Lesson
Moments In Time
Monoprint Monologues
Montaged Moments
Paint and Pixels
Painting With Threads
Paradise Found
Playing With Pots
Journal Lesson
Poetic Plaster and Wax
Portrait and Pattern
Quiet Whispers
Seascapes of Maine
Seeds of Life
Journal Lesson
Shades Of White
Shimmers and Shadows
Soul Connection Collage
Journal Lesson
Soulful Sketchbook
Spirit Horse
Tender Togetherness
The Art of Intuitive Portraiture
The Beauty Within
The Eyes of the Soul
The Feathered Crown
The Gifts of Imperfection
Journal Lesson
The Gilded Brush
The Joy of M.O.T.I.F.
The Mystical Isle of Avalon
The Nature of Clay
The Painted Camellia
The Raven's Song
The Sacred Circle
The Storyteller's Art
The Water Bearer
Journal Lesson
Tiny Bags of Love
Under The Trees
Upon Healing Wings
Wandering Through Watercolor
Watercolor Crystal Devas
Whimsical Portaits and Dreamy Landscapes
Whispers of Nature
Whispers of Wisdom
Wild Coast Trees
Wing It
Winged Messengers
You Deserve Your Love
most watched classes
Enjoy our most popular classes along with over 200 creative classes, exclusive to Studioworks.
Awaken To Place
Explore mindfulness and watercolor journaling to deepen your connection with yourself and the world.
Catching The Light
Take a journey to explore the unlimited possibilities of creating with PanPastels.
Floral Serenity
Surrender to the process of creating loose, beautiful watercolor florals.
Happy Town
Dive into mixed media to craft vibrant townscapes and playful figures, using paints, collage, and pastels.
Ladies With Character
Explore this whimsical class, painting characters unique to you.
Let's Start Sketching
Explore your creative practice and learn to draw in coffee shops, at the market, with friends, and pretty much everywhere!
Montaged Moments
Create and capture fanciful moments as we delve into the art of collage.
Pencil To Paper
Dedicated to the practice of sensitive sketching and connection to the subject.
The Gilded Brush
Take a journey to explore the unlimited possibilities of creating with PanPastels.
top Studioworks Picks
Abstract By Design
Go BIG and BOLD in our exhilarating abstract art class.
Explore mixed media techniques using owls as as your muse.
Poetic Plaster and Wax
A class combining art and poetry using wax and plaster as mediums to explore emotions and self-expression.
Sacred Landscape
Create evocative and emotional work through the combination of collage, paint, and mixed media.